sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Some interesting references

Today, some new references appeared in the literature. Probably, you will identify the interest for your work of every one but I will give some ideas.

Probably somebody working in top-down effects in the ocean would be interested in this paper. This is a clear message.

This paper was sent by Marta Moyano (thank you) and it is an interesting review about recruitment and Hjort´s hypothesis. Important for those interested in fisheries oceanography.

Finally, another interesting paper by Jaspers et al. about metazoan microzooplankton in the Indian Ocean. Interesting for those wishing to know more and more about those tiny organisms, but especially for those thinking about to build an apparatus to concentrate microzooplankton from a Niskin bottle. Somebody has to ask Dr. Jaspers because the description of the toy is not already published.

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