jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Dilution method

New paper about the dilution method. Very interesting description of the procedure and calculation of grazing and phytoplankton growth rates. Compulsory for those working on grazing.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

More interesting papers

First, an important paper by Evan et al. published in Science about the effect of aerosols in maintaining the ocean temperature and the importance of dust in this process. They present a time-series of ocean temperature and estimate the cooling effect of the long-term decrease in dust over the area.

To those working in fish larvae and fisheries oceanography, the trailer of a coming review paper by Edward Houde about one of the most important issues in oceanography: recruitment variability. Once we have the paper, we will announce its publication. Please, keep your interest in our blog.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Dear Mr. President

Some weeks before, I posted a nice song. The project followers delighted those little things in life that make us happy every day. Today nothing about papers or brainy videos. I post another song this time dedicated to those who had a bad and sad childhood, and now when they become adults try to recover the past doing nasty things to the people. They are happy promoting badness. We live every day with them but there are some icons in the history. This song is dedicated to the last one but much more are on the way. Please, help to stop this people by sharing this video. Thanks Alex (playadelhombre.blogspot) for let me know this wonderful song.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Nice paper about microzooplankton grazing

The paper of today is a very recent publication sent to me by Claire Schmoker (thanks Claire) written by Teixeira and Figueiras about the dilution method to estimate microzooplankton grazing. This is a really important paper about the methodology and the problems normally observed in those experiments. Compulsory for the microzooplankton team.

See feeding currents in copepods

Today a video about the zooplankton. Most of you know a lot about the zooplankton but I encourage you to see this video in order to watch some beautiful images about how copepods move or feed. Enjoy the video.

The paper of today is a recent publication by Isabel Reche and co-workers about the effect of Saharan dust on bacterial biomass and production in lakes. Interesting to our work in the ocean.